Plans for the Free Zone at the Gaborone Airport, one of Botswana's SEZs established through the help of Jean-Paul Gauthier
In 2008-2009, Locus Founder and CEO Jean-Paul Gauthier helped the Government of Botswana develop its SEZ program through a Financial Services Center/Innovation Hub/SEZ Program Development and SEZ Law Drafting project. The project was carried out in partnership with the Commonwealth Secretariat while Jean-Paul was working with Bearing Point.
Jean-Paul helped the Ministry of Trade and Investment develop a draft SEZ Policy Framework, SEZ Law, Project Approach and Critical Path, and Governance and PPP Financing Framework. The work was based on a regulatory, econonmic, and policy assessment of Botswana's SEZ potential.
Key features of the project included:
- Diversifying the economic and export base of Botswana beyond the diamond mining sector
- Providing a hassle free business environment offering investors a competitive edge in world
- Establishing a one stop, full service business environment catering to the needs businesses located within the SEZ
- Creating business development opportunities for small, medium and micro-enterprise suppliers who meet the logistical and ancillary needs of SEZ enterprises
- Developing a portfolio of public sector, private sector, and public-private partnerships (PPPs) with the SEZ as the market indicates
- Developing SEZs integrated with domestic, regional, and international markets
- Categorizing and coordinating business development within SEZs to promote inter-sectoral economies of scale
- Providing SEZ incentive packages consistent with Botswana's domestic and international trade obligations
- Developing SEZ labor laws consistent with ILO standards
- Creating employment through countrywide development of SEZs